African Black Soap: Benefits, Usage, and Myths
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African Black Soap: Benefits, Usage, and Myths

Ever stumbled upon a skincare secret so profound that it’s been treasured for centuries? That’s African Black Soap for you – a miracle worker from the heart of West Africa. It’s not just a soap; it’s a piece of history, a slice of culture, and a testament to natural healing. Let’s dive into the world of African Black Soap, shall we? Related Post: Best African Black Soaps: Our Top Picks 2024

Table of Contents

What is African Black Soap?

Origins & Ingredients

African Black Soap, or ‘Alata Samina’, hails from the Yoruba people in Nigeria and other West African nations. It’s a skincare staple, passed down through generations.

It’s crafted from a mix of plantain skins, palm tree leaves, cocoa pods, and shea tree bark. These are sun-dried, roasted, and then mixed with oils like palm oil, coconut oil, or shea butter. The result? A nutrient-rich, natural cleanser.

Our Team’s African Black Soaps Picks

1. Our Earth’s Secrets Raw African Black Soap

Our Earth’s Secrets Raw African Black Soap, 1 lb.
Overall Opinion:

Our Earth’s Secrets Raw African Black Soap offers a natural remedy with mixed reactions. Crafted in Ghana, it’s revered for its pure, traditional ingredients.

What We Like:
  • Natural Essence: Valued for its all-natural composition and skin-nourishing properties.
  • Eco-Conscious: Ethically sourced, promoting traditional techniques and sustainability.
  • Positive Impact: Many users report improved skin health and clarity.
What We Don’t Like:
  • Varying Reactions: Some experienced adverse reactions, highlighting its suitability for specific skin types.
Key Qualities:
  • Authenticity: A genuine African recipe promising a unique skincare experience.
Concluding Statement:

A blend of tradition and nature, this soap is a hit or miss. Consider a patch test for a personalized gauge of its suitability.

2. Aroma Depot MORINGA Raw African Black Soap

Aroma Depot MORINGA Raw African Black Soap
Overall Opinion:

Aroma Depot’s MORINGA Raw African Black Soap garners attention for its multi-faceted skincare benefits and natural moringa infusion, suitable for various skin types and conditions.

What We Like:
  • Versatile Skincare: Highly praised for alleviating issues from acne to eczema.
  • Natural Nourishment: Moringa Oil provides a hydrating and soothing touch.
  • Youthful Benefits: Users appreciate its role in promoting a more youthful complexion.
What We Don’t Like:
  • Texture Concerns: A few mention the texture and consistency as less favorable.
Key Qualities:
  • Authenticity: Adhering to traditional techniques while embracing modern needs.
Concluding Statement:

Aroma Depot’s soap offers a promising natural alternative for diverse skincare needs, though a patch test is suggested for new users.

Making Process & Variations

The ingredients are roasted in a kettle at a constant temperature, which is crucial for achieving the perfect color, texture, and smell. Then, water and oils are added, and the mixture is stirred for a day. It’s left to set for two weeks before it’s ready for use.

From Ghana to Nigeria, each region has its twist, adding local ingredients or adjusting the cooking method. This means the soap can vary in color from dark brown to nearly black, and in texture from smooth to slightly grainy.

Benefits of African Black Soap

African Black Soap isn’t just a cleanser; it’s a solution in a bar. Here’s why it’s been a skincare hero for ages and what it can do for you:

Nourishing Natural Ingredients

Packed with vitamins A and E, and iron, this soap nourishes the skin, promoting cell regeneration and blood circulation. It’s a natural source of goodness.

The shea butter and coconut oil in the soap provide deep hydration, keeping the skin supple and soft.

Battles Against Skin Problems

  • Acne Fighter: Thanks to its natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, African Black Soap is great at fighting acne. It goes deep into your pores to pull out all the nasties!
  • Eczema Relief: The natural oils and butters are a blessing for dry, itchy skin. They provide relief and reduce the irritation and flakiness associated with eczema.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: The texture of the soap, along with the cocoa pods, helps exfoliate the skin gently, removing dead skin cells and promoting a fresh, youthful glow.

Evens Skin Tone & Reduces Scarring

  • Fades Dark Spots: Regular use can help fade dark spots and acne scars, leading to a more even skin tone. It’s all about that glow!
  • Reduces Hyperpigmentation: The soap may help reduce the overproduction of melanin, which is responsible for dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Safe for All Skin Types

  • Sensitive Skin Love: While it deeply cleanses, it’s gentle enough for sensitive skin. It doesn’t strip the skin of its natural oils, maintaining the perfect balance.

How to Use African Black Soap

Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, African Black Soap can be a game-changer for your skincare routine. Here’s how to use it effectively: Check out our post on African Net Sponge

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Wet the Soap: Start by wetting the soap and your skin with lukewarm water.
  2. Lather Up: Rub the soap between your hands to create a lather. For sensitive skin, avoid using the bar directly on your face as it might be too abrasive.
  3. Gentle Application:
    • For Oily Skin: Massage the lather onto your face in circular motions, focusing on oily areas.
    • For Dry Skin: Gently apply the lather without scrubbing too hard, to avoid over-drying.
    • For Combination Skin: Adjust your focus according to oily and dry areas, balancing the pressure and amount of soap used.
  4. Let it Work: Leave the lather on for a minute to allow the ingredients to work their magic.
  5. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your face with cool water. This closes the pores and keeps your skin refreshed.
  6. Pat Dry: Gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing as it can irritate the skin.
  7. Moisturize: Follow up with a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

Tips for Best Results

  • Patch Test: Always do a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any allergic reactions.
  • Start Slow: Initially, use it 2-3 times a week. As your skin adjusts, you can increase usage.
  • Storage: Keep the soap in a dry, sealed container. It lasts longer and avoids getting mushy.
  • Natural Variations: Remember, as a natural product, each batch of soap might vary slightly.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

African Black Soap is surrounded by a halo of myths and misconceptions. Let’s separate fact from fiction:

Myth 1: African Black Soap Works the Same for Everyone

Truth: Just like any skincare product, African Black Soap reacts differently with different skin types. While it’s beneficial for many, it may not suit everyone. Always do a patch test and listen to your skin.

Myth 2: It’s Only for the Face

Truth: Not at all! You can use it on your body, face, and even hair. It’s a versatile cleanser that can replace multiple products in your beauty routine.

Myth 3: The Darker the Soap, the Better

Truth: The color can vary from light brown to almost black, depending on the ingredients and where it’s made. The color doesn’t determine its effectiveness.

Myth 4: It’s a Miracle Cure for Severe Acne and Eczema

Truth: While African Black Soap can help manage symptoms and prevent breakouts, it’s not a cure-all. Severe skin conditions often require a multifaceted approach, including diet changes and medical treatment.

Myth 5: It Can Never Irritate Your Skin

Truth: Even natural products can irritate the skin, especially if used excessively. If you experience dryness or irritation, reduce usage or try a different brand with a slightly different formulation.

Myth 6: All African Black Soaps Are the Same

Truth: There’s a wide range of African Black Soaps, each with its unique blend of ingredients. Handmade, traditional soaps may differ significantly from commercial ones.

Myth 7: It Doesn’t Expire

Truth: African Black Soap doesn’t contain preservatives, so it does have a shelf life. If it changes smell, texture, or color, it’s time to get a new batch.

African Black Soap for Specific Conditions

African Black Soap has gained acclaim for its natural approach to tackling some pesky skin conditions. Let’s explore how it can help:


  • Deep Cleansing: The natural ingredients help deeply cleanse the skin, removing impurities and unclogging pores, which is essential in preventing acne.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Ingredients like shea butter reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne.
  • Antibacterial: It helps eliminate bacteria on the skin, a common cause of acne, preventing future breakouts.


  • Moisturizing: The natural oils and butters in African Black Soap can provide much-needed moisture to eczema-prone skin, reducing dryness and flakiness.
  • Soothing: It can soothe the itchiness and irritation that often comes with eczema, providing a gentle alternative to harsher cleansers.
  • Non-Irritating: For many, the soap is less irritating than traditional soaps, which can strip the skin of its natural oils, exacerbating eczema symptoms.


  • Gentle Exfoliation: The natural textures in the soap help exfoliate dead skin cells without being overly abrasive, which is beneficial for psoriasis sufferers.
  • Hydration: Its moisturizing properties can reduce the dry, scaly appearance of psoriasis patches.

Hyperpigmentation & Dark Spots

  • Even Skin Tone: Regular use can help fade dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation, leading to a more even skin tone over time.

General Skin Health

  • Anti-aging: Rich in antioxidants like vitamins A and E, it can combat free radicals, reducing the signs of aging.
  • Balance: It’s good at balancing the skin’s natural oils, which can be beneficial for all skin types.

A Note of Caution

While many have found relief for their skin conditions using African Black Soap, it’s crucial to remember that everyone’s skin is different. What works for one person might not work for another. If you have a severe condition, it’s always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist before trying new treatments. And always, always do a patch test first to ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction.

Choosing the Right African Black Soap

To ensure you’re getting the real deal and reaping all the natural benefits, here’s what you need to keep in mind when choosing authentic African Black Soap:

Look for Natural Ingredients

  • Check the List: Authentic African Black Soap should contain ingredients like plantain skin, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves, palm oil, coconut oil, or shea butter. If you see artificial fragrances, preservatives, or colorants, it’s not the real thing.
  • Simplicity is Key: The fewer the ingredients, the closer it is to traditional recipes. Look for soaps with a short, recognizable list.

Understand the Color & Texture

  • Color Variations: True African Black Soap ranges from light brown to deep black. Don’t expect a jet-black bar. The color can vary due to the ingredients and their proportions.
  • Texture: Authentic soap will not be smooth and uniform like commercial soaps. It’s usually somewhat rustic and crumbly with an uneven surface.

Know the Source

  • Origin Matters: Look for soaps made in West Africa, the birthplace of African Black Soap. Ghanaian and Nigerian black soaps are among the most popular and authentic.
  • Support Fair Trade: Purchasing fair trade ensures that the artisans making the soap are paid fairly and work under good conditions.

Packaging and Presentation

  • Minimal Packaging: Authentic African Black Soap is often sold in minimal packaging, reflecting its natural and traditional roots. Be cautious of anything that looks too commercialized.
  • Shape and Size: Traditional black soap may come in various shapes and sizes, often not perfectly cut or shaped.

Research the Brand

  • Reputation: Look for brands with good reviews and a reputation for quality. Customer reviews can be a great way to gauge the authenticity and effectiveness of the product.
  • Commitment to Tradition: Brands that emphasize their adherence to traditional methods and ingredients are often a good bet.

Patch Test Always

Even with an authentic product, always do a patch test to ensure your skin agrees with it. Apply a small amount to a patch of skin and wait 24 hours to check for adverse reactions.


African Black Soap is a timeless natural remedy, cherished for its numerous skin-loving benefits. It’s a versatile cleanser suitable for various skin types and conditions, offering a gentle yet effective way to maintain and improve skin health. From combating acne and eczema to promoting an even skin tone and reducing the signs of aging, African Black Soap has something to offer for everyone.

It’s important to choose authentic, traditionally-made African Black Soap to ensure you’re getting all the natural benefits without any harmful additives. Look for natural ingredients, understand the soap’s unique color and texture, research the brand, and always know the source. Remember, a patch test is your friend – it’s always best to be sure your skin loves the soap as much as you do.

If you’re looking for a natural, effective, and versatile addition to your skincare routine, African Black Soap might just be the treasure you’re seeking. With its rich history, natural ingredients, and multitude of benefits, it’s certainly worth a try. Just remember to listen to your skin, understand its needs, and be patient – the journey to healthier skin is a personal and rewarding one. Here’s to your skin, finding its new best friend in African Black Soap!


1. Is African black soap good for acne?

Yes, it’s known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for reducing and preventing acne.

2. Does African black soap lighten skin?

It can help fade dark spots and even out skin tone over time due to its exfoliating properties, but it’s not a bleaching agent.

3. Does African black soap help with acne?

Yes, it helps with acne by deeply cleansing the skin, removing impurities, and reducing inflammation.

4. Is African black soap good for your face?

Absolutely, it’s suitable for all skin types and can help manage various facial skin issues.

5. Can you use African black soap on your body?

Yes, it’s great for both face and body, helping with body acne, improving skin texture, and providing overall cleansing.

6. Does African black soap expire?

Yes, it can expire or lose efficacy over time, especially if not stored properly. Use within a year and keep it dry.

7. Can I use African black soap every day?

You can, but start slowly and see how your skin reacts. Adjust frequency based on your skin’s tolerance.

8. Can you use African black soap on your private areas?

Generally, yes, but be cautious as these areas are more sensitive. Start with a patch test and use gently.

9. Is African black soap antibacterial?

Yes, its natural ingredients give it antibacterial properties, making it effective for cleansing and preventing infections.

10. Is African black soap good?

Yes, it’s praised for its natural ingredients and multiple skin benefits, including cleansing, exfoliating, and balancing skin tone.

11. Can African black soap lighten skin?

It may help fade dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation with regular use due to its exfoliating properties.

12. Does African black soap help with dark spots?

Yes, it can help fade dark spots over time, thanks to its natural exfoliating and skin-nourishing properties.

13. Is African black soap good for eczema?

Many find it soothing for eczema due to its natural moisturizing ingredients and gentle cleansing properties.

14. Is African black soap good for hair?

Yes, it can be used as a natural shampoo, helping to cleanse the scalp and hair without stripping natural oils.

15. Is Shea Moisture African black soap real?

Yes, Shea Moisture is a reputable brand known for its version of African Black Soap, incorporating additional ingredients for various skin benefits.

16. Is black African soap good?

Yes, authentic black African soap is considered good for many due to its natural, beneficial ingredients.

17. Is African black soap good for your skin?

Indeed, it’s good for most skin types, helping with issues like acne, oily skin, dry skin, and more.

18. Can white people use African black soap?

Absolutely, it’s suitable for people of all skin colors and types. Skin benefits are universal.

19. Can African black soap mold?

If left wet, it can develop mold or bacteria. Keep it dry in a sealed container between uses.

20. Can you use African black soap on your face?

Yes, many use it on their face for its deep cleansing and skin-improving properties.

21. Can you use African black soap on your face every day?

Depending on skin type, some can use it daily, while others might find less frequent use better. Start slowly and adjust.

22. Can you use black African soap on your face?

Yes, it’s commonly used on the face to help with acne, oiliness, and to improve skin health.

23. Does African black soap help with hyperpigmentation?

It can help over time by exfoliating dead skin and promoting a more even skin tone.

24. Is black African soap good for eczema?

For many, it’s soothing and moisturizing, which can be beneficial for managing eczema.

25. Is black African soap good for your face?

Yes, it’s used by many as a facial cleanser for its natural, skin-nurturing properties.

26. Is Shea Moisture African black soap good?

Shea Moisture is well-regarded for its quality products, including its African Black Soap, which combines traditional ingredients with additional skin benefits.

27. Does African black soap work?

For many, it works wonders for a variety of skin issues, but individual results can vary.

28. Is Shea Moisture African black soap good for your skin?

Yes, it’s designed to harness the traditional benefits of African Black Soap while also providing additional skin-nourishing ingredients.

29. Is black African soap good for the face?

Yes, it’s popular as a face cleanser for its ability to deep clean and improve skin health.

30. Is African black soap good for the face?

Yes, it’s commonly used for facial cleansing due to its beneficial properties for skin health.

31. Does the African black soap work?

Many attest to its benefits, but as with any skincare product, results can vary from person to person.

32. Does black African soap work?

Yes, many find it effective for various skin issues, though individual results may vary.

33. Can you wash your hair with African black soap?

Yes, it can be used as a natural, gentle shampoo suitable for various hair types.

34. Does African black soap remove dark spots?

It may help fade dark spots over time by promoting skin renewal and exfoliation.

35. Does African black soap help eczema?

It’s known to soothe eczema symptoms for many due to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

36. Can you use African black soap on your hair?

Yes, it can cleanse the scalp and hair effectively, often used as a natural shampoo alternative.

37. Can you use African black soap every day?

Many do, but it’s essential to monitor your skin’s reaction and adjust usage accordingly.

38. Can I use African black soap on my face?

Yes, it’s a popular choice for facial cleansing due to its deep cleaning and skin-improving properties.

39. Does African black soap help with eczema?

It can provide relief for many with eczema, thanks to its natural moisturizing and soothing ingredients.

40. Is African black soap good for keratosis pilaris?

Some find it helpful as it gently exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, which can alleviate the symptoms of keratosis pilaris.
